Yuki on AsianRoleplay.com - m.asianroleplay.com/22454 Yuki
♡Can You Keep A Secret?♡

119 years old

Last Login:
January 30 2021

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aim: screenname

Full Name: (Self explanatory)
Pronunciation: (Self explanatory)
Nickname/Alias: (Does your character have a pet name, fake identity, or any other thing they like to go by? Put it here.)
Meaning: ([Ex: Emily means "admiring" and William means "protector"] If you aren't sure your character's name has a meaning look it up, I'm sure you'll find something. If it's a fantasy name you made yourself, give it a meaning.)
Origin: (How did you come up with your character's name?)
Title: (Do have a title along with their name? [Ex: Sir, Captain, Ms.])
Pet Name: (What do other people call your character? [kid, squirt, babe, ect] May be insulting, endearing, or a combination of both. May have more than one, if other characters call them different things.
ID Number: (A number that may also be used to identify your character, such as tournaments and prison settings)
Signature: (What is their handwriting like?)
Gender: (Self explanatory)
Gender Role: (Does your character generally act more feminine or masculine?)
Orientation: (Ex: Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual)
Real Age: (How old your character is in years)
Age Appearance: (How old does your character look? This is mostly for immortal creatures such as deities, but can be used with anybody. [if someone looks older or younger than their age)
Birthday: (Self explanatory)
Deathday: (May not have one yet)
Birthplace: (Where was your character born?)
Astrological Sign: (Western)
Zodiac Sign: (Eastern)
Species: (Human, animal, or a fantasy race)
Ethnicity: (Self Explanatory)
Blood Type: (Self explanatory)
Preferred Hand: (Right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?)
Facial Type: (Ex: Oval, heart, square, round, )
Eye Color: (Self explanatory)
Hair Color: (Self Explanatory)
Hairstyle: (Self explanatory)
Skin Tone: (Self Explanatory)
Complexion: (Self explanatory)
Makeup: (If any)
Body Type: (Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or somewhere in between?)
Build: (Long legs, chubby cheeks, or muscular arms?)
Height: (In inches)
Weight: (In pounds)
Cup Size: (Self explanatory)
Facial Hair: (If applicable)
Shoe Size: (Self Explanatory)
Birthmarks/scars: (Self explanatory)
Distinguishing Features: (Something unique that stands out)
Health: (How healthy is your character?)
Energy: (How much energy does your character have on a daily basis?)
Memory: (How well does your character remember things, and what do they remember?)
Senses: (Are any of your character's senses better or worse than others?)
Allergies: (Self Explanatory. May be optional.)
Handicaps: ([Ex: A limp, deafness, missing an eye] May be optional.)
Medication: (What meds do your character take, if any?)
Phobias: (Things that simply terrify your character. May be trivial or debilitating. Try to have at least one.)
Addictions: (Drugs, alcohol, gambling, or bad teen romance)
Mental Disorders: ([Ex: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Paranoia.] May be optional.)
[full character sheet can be found here]

Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here. Extra box, put whatever you want in here.

     Yuki's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Friends,
Orientation: Gay
Body type:Slim / Slender
Education:High school
Characters: Yuki
Verses: Biosphia || J-Rock || Cross-Overs welcomed.
Playbys: Yuki
Length: Multi Para, Para, Semi
Genre: Crime, Open, Supernatural,
Member Since:January 29, 2021

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yuki biosphia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin turpis erat, mattis at metus sed, vestibulum auctor nibh. Sed accumsan sem a faucibus tempor. Fusce quis pellentesque enim. Quisque imperdiet, sapien at ullamcorper semper, justo augue pretium odio, a ultrices elit leo vitae purus. Curabitur a sem non risus auctor ornare eu venenatis nunc. Integer lacinia diam nisi, rhoncus ultricies metus varius quis. Maecenas in bibendum augue, et aliquam urna. Donec cursus, nibh non mattis tincidunt, lectus tellus interdum arcu, a posuere elit ligula sed massa. Phasellus iaculis euismod nisi sed pellentesque. Sed feugiat posuere purus. Proin vestibulum, nibh nec lobortis posuere, enim ligula aliquam arcu, sit amet fringilla nisi sapien eu diam. Nunc dapibus nibh sit amet nibh tempus porta. Nulla a elit id risus auctor tristique et vitae arcu. Quisque ornare consequat eros, vitae fermentum nulla viverra ut. Fusce sagittis ac libero nec hendrerit.

Duis in nisi lectus. Maecenas dignissim, elit in blandit sagittis, massa tortor elementum felis, eget commodo sem nulla et ante. Donec et eros hendrerit, consectetur dui nec, varius tortor. Nunc at justo ac ligula lobortis condimentum. Nulla id nulla justo. In feugiat lacus lacus, nec accumsan diam viverra vel. Mauris tempor auctor elit, vitae laoreet nulla laoreet vel. Nulla nibh nulla, tempus non accumsan ac, fermentum vitae metus. Cras lacinia eros quis placerat laoreet. Sed sit amet facilisis augue. Integer non diam condimentum, iaculis est eget, bibendum elit. Maecenas pellentesque, metus in posuere accumsan, purus lacus aliquet quam, vitae eleifend mi mi eu nulla. In egestas, neque vitae commodo tristique, velit magna rhoncus justo, vitae mattis risus augue placerat tortor.

Nam velit felis, faucibus vel tincidunt sit amet, convallis faucibus nunc. Nam sodales orci id odio viverra lobortis. Sed dui dolor, tempus sed laoreet a, mollis at erat. Sed vel augue et nulla tincidunt suscipit sed vel felis. Quisque dignissim ante at nunc malesuada fermentum. Pellentesque consequat urna eu quam dapibus, vitae mattis enim dapibus. Nam malesuada, lectus sed consequat tempor, quam arcu euismod turpis, eu ullamcorper nibh nibh vitae risus. Suspendisse metus urna, fringilla id condimentum et, interdum sed nulla. Integer tempus dui vitae sapien tempor semper. Sed id lectus viverra, porttitor nibh ac, ultricies diam. Integer dapibus magna nulla, eget rutrum purus placerat non. Nunc dignissim consequat ullamcorper. Praesent sit amet magna sit amet est porttitor bibendum.

Status: ---
Whom: Name
Dated: 00/00/0000
Engaged: 00/00/0000
Married: 00/00/0000

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