Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙 on - Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙
I've always been and will always be a true romantic at heart. You, you may call me Oppa.
I write.
Friend me.
Lives on land.
Speaks your language.

36 years old
Sŏul, Sŏul
Korea (South)

Last Login:
May 17 2024

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   Contacting Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙

    Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙's Interests
GeneralWell let's see, I'm quite the gamer and I love my shows. So if you play video games do let me know. Consoles. Hero shows and movies and of course the standard Kdrama. I'm actually very fond of outdoor activities as well as cooking and weight lifting and martial arts. Helps keep the tentacles strong.
MusicBTS, Girls Generation, Block B, Crush, Jay Park, BLACKPINK the list could go on.
TelevisionI like a number of CW shows and Kdramas as well as cooking shows and travel ones.
BooksManga perhaps? I think so.
Heroes You, for being the brave beauty that you are and taking a chance to befriend a mysterious creature such as myself on these cold but warming holidays.

     Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙's Details
Characters: Ah, hello there. I am Zeni. Very nice to meet you. Do add and reach out if you'd like.
Verses: Don't worry, I live in a home just as many others do. Real life, fantasy,, supernatural, kdrama
Playbys: I, I am a giant octopus who lives in South Korea. It truly is a splendid place. (iTravel)
Length: Multi Para, One Liner, Para, Semi
Genre: Casual, Comedy, Drama, Psychological, Romance, Supernatural,
Member Since:December 22, 2018

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   Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙's Blurbs
About me:
Hi, I just want to start off by introducing myself I'm Cuddles the Christmas octopus. If you're reading this, I'm probably dead. With that being said, my ghost is typing. All my life I simply wanted to make people happy and to make people smile and it's hard to do that on a plate. So, before I found my way into the kitchen at a five star restaurant. Yes, I was the head chef for about eight months. I'll never forget the love the blossomed here between my staff and my frequent customers.

Anyway, a little about me. I love to bring a smile to peoples faces. I love to love. I'm happy and I'm friendly. I welcome new friends with open arms, six of them. I'm usually standing on two. I use two to kinda wiggle around through my sleeves as hands and well my other four? They're usually wrapped around my torso hugging me. It's like a forever hug. As a friendly warning I am only on Asian role play. Any other location I am sighted on is pirated.

I'm just here to spread holiday cheer, and also. I was kidding at the beginning I'm not dead. Dead me would be sad me, or not sad me cause well yeah. Anyway, come and introduce yourselves make a new friend this season and just add to that ever growing reason for you to smile. I think it's time for a hug, come on. What do you say?

I feel like the only way I can make friends here is if I join an up and coming or already well established band or maybe get myself into a new big name filled kdrama. Maybe a Train To Busan 2? Or maybe BTS is looking for a backup dancer that also just so happens to be an octopus? Honestly though, we're all here to look for friends and people to write with. Yet when someone, just a little different shows up not a soul steps forward. I've seen your hats and your foods. You think my octopus brethren gave humans permission for all that? No, that's octopus appropriation.

Never lose your love of life or passion for things that you enjoy. Dedicate yourself to progression and accomplishments. Set your own goals and strive to accomplish them and set more beyond those that you've accomplished. Love yourself and care for your friends deeply and remind them that you care for them at least a few times a month at the least. The happiest people though can sometimes be the saddest.

I'll never forget the first time I met her. She was just standing off on the sidewalk while I was driving my car. My eyes focused and my heart nearly skipped a beat, jumped out of my chest or so it felt. Though really, it was my car jumping the sidewalk. I'd unintentionally turned my wheel towards her a ways up the road and ended up crashing right into her. Fortunately I was only going about twelve miles per hour, she was texting her mother about dinner that night and what she'd be going to the store to pick up then make. Though what ended up being brought home that night and made was anything but dinner. We'd started a family together within' the year and it was the sweetest of times in my life. My best friend Rodrigo was my best man at the wedding. (He's a crab) Grumpy and angry yet friendly and soft and gooey on the inside. Wouldn't change him for the world, well. Might make him a bit nicer on the outside also. Like, come on. Be nice to your friends they're your friends to be nice to you not to be a duck to you. I had several dozen children with my wife, they've all been released into the sea now. Yes, my wife was a Korean actress, I'd tell you her name but we don't like to make it public. That way her fans don't lose their minds with jealousy and rage quit her fandom. It's a hard life being famous in Korea. You're a slave to the industry and your life is no longer yours for the most part. Sure, you get a lot of money but are they really allowed to live?
Have you ever had a moment where you go you're entire life thinking your one thing only to realize come the next morning you're something else? Last night when I appeared here on 12/21/2018 I began rambling on and telling new friends about my octopus life and the struggles of being a Christmas Octopus on land. This morning when I woke up from my sleepy time wonderful dreams in the tub. Well rested and fully capable of processing thought. I realized that I was in fact not an octopus but a Giant Squid. My new life begins now on 12/22/2018. I'm not really sure how to cope with this new life and the changes I'll need to make. I may need to get some plastic surgery to help me feel more at home with myself. No, no I don't need any of that I'm beautiful as I am. Well, maybe a nose job. Those are pretty popular in South Korea.

Putting a little more thought into it I've come to terms. I may have been born a squid but I identify as an octopus and no one can take what I truly feel away from me. I will be brave and I will be beautiful, those who come to accept me are the only ones deserving of my friendship and loyalties. I will never stray from the truth and I will always be exactly what I am and nothing more nothing less. I am Cuddles the Christmas Octopus and no. I will not let my elongated head change my mind. It does not change the reason I am here, love and friendships and someday I will have both and smiles will be had all around. Thank you all for being so kind to me, I will accept you and can't wait to hear more about you all.

True story time. Also last night while thinking up names. I decided on Namjoon. Now, prior to setting it in stone I decided to look at whom all was online and low and behold there was a Namjoon right beneath me in the online members. I was on top of him just looking at his name and I realized. "I can't use this." So today, after discovering I had a lovely little daughter she's given me the inspiration and hope to go on with a new name and a new confusing life. I will always be Cuddles the Christmas Octopus. Though during my off season I will be Zeni the Giant Squid. Or maybe Zeni the Octopus. I haven't decided yet, sanity will tell me more later. I apparently also have a son whom I've yet to meet. I am looking forward to all of the family hugs and outings.

With the holidays coming and going, Christmas over and New Years on the way. Cuddles, aka Zeni the Octopus decided it was best to change it up. Realizing that he was in fact not a giant squid but an octopus all along he'd smile more as well as find interest in a woman whom seemed to be interested in him as well. Happy for now they'd spend a good deal of time together and he'd change nothing at all about her. However, feeling a little bad that he didn't have the proper equipment he'd go on a journey to seek out a witch whom could help him with his problems. One that could in theory give him the ability to transform and to partially transform which would give his romantic life quite the budding start.

With romance in full bloom I'm exploring my body with a musical human. She can dance, she can sing and when the right locations are pressed she belts out single notes it seems. I've managed to find an inviting home with her and she allows me in whenever I please. As I've explored passion with a human female I've decided it should be known that one of my tentacles is my reproductive organ. Though I'll never say which one, only that it's on the right side of me and is detachable. Also, in a more natural setting if I were to mate with a female octopus. Within' a few months of my first time I would die as would she after the laying of the eggs. It's just how nature is. However, as with a human this natural occurrence does not take effect.

With news of his daughters pregnancy he'd taken quite a shine to the idea of being a grandoctopus. Buying a number of octopus related stuffed animals and shirts for babies. However the celebrations were over nearly as soon as they'd been discovered. Come the next morning she'd taken her life due to the mean tweets of a pre-teen. As all good things must come to an end so must Zeni the Octopus. Having destroyed the city and crawled his way back to the sea he'd drag a boat under the water with him before vanishing forever? Life would never be the same for those whom he'd touched through his whimsical and melodic ways of expression. Can anything bring him back? We may never know.

Having returned from the sea on the 19th of January due to his longing of It's It ice creams and chocolate milk. The lunar eclipse was a beautiful sight to return to and not only that he'd decided to expand upon his family. With every intention of having another child, a boy this time. Someone perhaps whom he could sit and have it's its with while drinking chocolate milk. He'd managed to make a couple of friends as well. A gangster, a butcher and a lady who's just speaking her mind. Times have been tough on us all but the future can be only as bright as we believe, hope and work towards for it to be.

As time went on he did in fact increase the size of his family. With the newest bundle of joy to grace the household. Jimin, a flubby faced wonder child (23 y.o) whom seemed to touch the hearts of those everywhere he went. Sometimes being a little misunderstood though still he had a good heart. Being the kind Octofather that Zeni is, he always tries to see the good in everyone. Positive reinforcement is forward progress.

Having been abandoned by his reincarnated daughter in Italy and his girlfriend in the same ten minutes. Zeni had decided to move to the U.S.A. In order to pursue his fresh dream of joining the Space Force. Having grown quite the beard in the last six months his training to see if he could survive in space was coming to an end. With his custom astronaut suit and his certifications earned and clearance given he was now set and ready to become the first Octopus in space. Ready and well armed to defend the planet from any and all threats. With an iron tentacle he'd rule the stars as his plan was to become a commanding officer. His launch date to send him to the Space Force Base was in a few days. He planned on doing his best and working harder than any other soldier in the Space Force to achieve his dream. He knows he may never come home and he knows his life will never be the same. However he's doing this to protect those he's come to care for and even love while on dry land. It was strange enough for people to see an octopus on land, wearing clothes and driving to work every morning though returning again to the sea was not an option. The next logical step was to conquer space.

Asteroids, aliens, space sharks and Canadians. He'd seen it all now, defended Earth from it all and even learned to increase his speed while training mostly alone in space. As part of the space force and the only eight armed creature on the force he had been assigned to a powerful laser defense post floating in the depth of space. The space sharks were the first to come, then the aliens hurling asteroids. Later, about a year and a half after he'd been in the program came the Canadians, a ruthless race of terrifying creatures from deep space hell bent on taking the inhabitants of earth as working slaves and then destroying earth after mining all of it's minerals and taking all of its maple syrup. Though now, soon to return home he'd done his duty and served the planet so his adventure will once again continue on earth. Oh how he couldn't wait to see himself in a mirror and maybe shave his beard. It had gotten a little out of tentacle.

Having been in space for those two years he'd had plenty of time to himself. If it wasn't for the world wide web he'd probably of lost his mind. Having been enjoying his down time when not focused on a screen he'd focus on a screen while controlling a cowboy or a thug. He'd grown quite fond of Red Dead Redemption two's story and of course often played with a couple of friends in GTA V Online. Still, he was always happy to make more friends in either game. He'd of course played other things though for whatever reason, vast open explorable and enjoyable lively worlds they were his favorites. His mind raced as he held both his One and 4 in their respective bags as he'd begin to enter the earths atmosphere. Crashing down off the coast of California in the Pacific ocean he'd been strapped in well enough that he'd hardly felt the impact. The parachute had done it's job and the landing was soft enough. He'd be found within' a couple of hours and be in a prepared home by noon.Though, on the 27th of January in California it was already noon? It was 12:18 in fact. Life is strange.

Having returned to earth and attempted to reunite with his family. His beard must of scared them off. He was left alone as even his mentally challenged son JIMIN had stated he was going to leave for many reasons other than his fathers sporty new beard. Life was a lonely road now, one he'd slink along. Though with his new found goal to become a master of battling with sticks to better defend the planet hero mode was engaged. All it would take now is time, and from time to time if he'd need some quick cash he'd rent himself out on the corner as a backpack to anyone in need. This is where his new friend Mr. Cutty comes in. Though, time will only tell if Zeni is able to master the arts.

As he'd travel back home he'd come across news that like his daughter whom was carrying his grandchild. His lover whom had left him when he'd joined the space force in America had also tragically taken her life in what could only be described as a terrible tragedy. Something that even Zeni could not put into words though he'd try. Crosswalk, car, high heels, high speed, deer in headlights, twenty foot flip, broken left high heel and head on ground. Teaching humans once again to look both ways before crossing a road as well as wait patiently for the walk signal to let you go and for drivers to be more aware of their surroundings. His once again reincarnated daughter had now re-spawned into a successful business girl.

Having made up a girlfriend for Valentines day to feel less alone. He'd spend his time relaxing and sipping cheap wine from a glass. Life wasn't as easy as he'd hoped, though the Sableye outside of his house did seem to want to keep him company. At least for 30 minutes. Seeing that it is a CP level 18. It is clearly a legal friend to have and thus a little time would be spent. Granted, even if this kind soul wasn't around it's perfectly okay to be on your own on this company created holiday intent on getting the hopes of others up to spend their money. Is it a think that should be special about just one day? No, it should be at random. One shouldn't need to be asked for a box of chocolates or told to buy one if they really want to get a sweet treat for someone they care for they can do it on their own at random out of love and kindness. At the end of the day however he had gotten himself a real valentine.

Taking a break 2/20/2019. Need me? Go to the beach, I'll be in the sea.

Returned from break 4/20/2020 summoned by Profile Views: 1111.

Updates will come, the history of time lost will develop. Patience please, it will be a journey.


Mysterious events took place shortly after the fine night of Valentines on 2019. As things were finally looking up for this kind hearted, love filled Octopus and romance was blooming in the air. She was perfect, long silky hair, deep beautiful eyes the softest skin one could have and quite the figure as well and such a beautiful face. (Not that figure matters, as it is personality after all.) However strange things began to happen, from his beloveds leg falling off to her wig getting snatched by a seagull. Something was clearly up, as they stood there. Wiggly in hand as the sun set, a beautiful picture was painted though it wasn't to last. As it turns out his date was a barracuda in disguise something he didn't pick up on until it was much too late. Mistakes had been made and he'd been lured back to the sea where the two were swallowed by a great big whale. Though this was far from a normal whale, no this was a time whale and once she'd submerged to a deep enough depth the trio had poofed from this timeline and Zeni's adventures in time had begun. Will he survive? Will he find love? Will he return home? Find out as, the majority of 2019 is explained later.

As fate would have it the adventure, the whale and the date were all works of his imagination. Having been tragically been struck by a truck carrying chickens in crates from one farm to another or perhaps the live market. Normally it would have missed him completely though as a puppy was crossing the street without a care in the world the truck had to swerve to miss it. This of course put the law abiding hero in direct danger. Struck and pinned to the wall in an instant he faded only to wake up in October of 2020. Things were quite different now, people whom he had befriended had mostly gone as expected. Though all was not quite as it seemed as returns came left and right. In fact, rumor had it he had been wandering the streets as normal in the US. Someone had taken what he was, taken his identity and pasted it in a new place. He has his suspicions but was far from anyone to point a finger, mostly due to him having no fingers to point to begin with. For now, the mystery of who was left to the mind as sure as he was in due time to find out this mysterious entity he had a world to reintroduce himself to once he was cleared to leave the hospital that is.

Who I'd like to meet:
I'd like to meet intelligent and kind people.
Those whom I can in time find trustworthy and seek comfort in.
Maybe a potential romantic partner?
Forever friendships.
Why are there so few people on this site? It makes me sad. Granted I'm an over sized octopus.

   Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙's Friend Space
Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙 has 85 friends.
Asian Roleplay



Skye T&L Takumi Lee (匠リー)💞💕




Friendly Neighborhood Octopus🐙's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 24 comments (View All | Add Comment)

May 5th 2024 - 6:47 AM

Miss you, you fantastic cephalopod you.

Mar 7th 2022 - 11:41 AM

Hey you!
moved. /23979

Dec 20th 2020 - 11:40 PM

[[ Hello! o(≧∇≦o)
I'm just popping in to say that I have some rules that need to be signed before I can continue to converse with you (or converse with you at all). I know it seems to be unnecessary, but it really means a lot to me and if you could take five minutes of your time to read it over and sign as directed, that would be amazing!!

Any user who has not signed and has been decently active after being reminded many times will be deleted from my list around the 1st of February. I'd hate to do so, but these rules are for the safety of both of us!

Here is the link.

Thank you for your time. o(≧∇≦o) ]]

May 21st 2020 - 3:20 PM

Zeni, I'm afraid I've failed. He kept asking me why I want his attention and it bummed me out.

May 9th 2020 - 8:21 AM

She looked at the creature and blinks as he was looking at her  then rubs the back of her pinkish hair while he spoke "That would be very interesting to see how he would interact with humans ~ with their judgement but she chuckled as he  didn't want to be in a bag "That's true and I willl try to think of that! It will be hard  to think of such but i would really try that.She said placing her small hands into her pocket.

May 7th 2020 - 10:27 AM

Suzy giggles a bit and shyly looks at the stranger.
"Hello! I'm Bae Suzy. I dont have many nicknames, so you can makes some for me, if you'd like. Most people just stick to Suzy because it's easier. So you can choose either one."
She gasped and covered her mouth.
"Ahh, Sorry! I'm babbling. I tend to do that sometimes when I'm nervous. I'm not good with new people."
She looked up at the stranger again.
"So... What do you say? Friends?"

// Thanks for the add! I'm hope we can get something going! //

May 2nd 2020 - 6:40 PM

Yeah but glad your doing well thought as well !*Chuckled saying that with a little blink  as she wasn't use to talking to someone ..something from under the sea..*Clearing her throat as he suggest for them to hangout and his comment about hair which he didn't have and shakes her head and to the nails as well" Yeah those wouldn't work out ...*Rubbing the back of her pinkish hair and giggled* Etto..not sure if they would allow an octopus there *Blinks saying that* Your way too big to even fit in my bag.

May 1st 2020 - 6:07 PM

Those are some fantastic ideas. I'll be sure to implement them soon and report back.

Apr 29th 2020 - 4:39 PM

Same also *chuckle some  while nodding her head a few time*  Things have been well with you?That is good to hear  ..Ano I'm not even sure to say how should we hangout ?

Apr 28th 2020 - 11:36 AM

Aww why thank you! hahha My octopus ! *She chuckled and looks at him* I'm alright doing so well so far.
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