06/05/2018 12:16 PM 

Shuri Udaku - Bio

“I’m sure you did your best… now let me do mine.” 

Full name: Shuri Udaku

Nickname(s) or Alias: The Better Sibling, O’ Knowledgeable One, Princess of Wakanda.

Gender: Cis-female

Species: Human

Age: 17 

Birthday: February 25th

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Wakandan

Religion: She worships the Panther Goddess Bast along with her people, but she isn’t as blindly faithful as some of the more traditional Wakandans, understanding science and its role in the universe. However, in times of desperation, the girl can be seen praying to the Goddess. 

City or town of birth: Golden City, Wakanda.

Currently lives: Shuri hops between the Palace in Wakanda and an apartment a couple blocks away from the Wakandan Outreach Center. 

Languages spoken: Xhosa and English. 

Native language: Xhosa.

Relationship Status: Single, though she jokes that she’s married to her tech. 


Height: 5’5”

Weight: 110 lbs / 50 kg

Figure/build: Shuri is very thin and small, with her legs being the longest part of her body.

Hair colour: Black

Hairstyle: She wears her hair in braids almost constantly, but the style of the braids varies from day to day.

Eye colour: Dark brown/Black

Skin/fur/etc colour: Dark brown.

Tattoos: N/A.

Piercings: None.

Scars/distinguishing marks: Dimples/Lines on either side of her mouth.

Preferred style of clothing: Modern street style. She takes inspiration from a lot of what she sees on social media, and has become quite the trend-setter herself. She's a fan of bright colors and bold choices.

Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: Kimoyo beads on her left wrist, various other bracelets and necklaces for different outfits. 


Smoker? Nope.

Drinker? Nope.

Recreational Drug User? Which? Nope.

Addictions: Some people worry that she’s starting to grow one for caffeine, but she denies it time after time. Coffee’s just tasty, that’s all.

Allergies: None known yet.

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Nope.

Any medication regularly taken: Nope.


Personality: Shuri is very playful and comedic, using her quick wit and fluency in sarcasm to keep people light-hearted and smiling. She loves to impress people with her intelligence and skills, sometimes coming across as over-confident, though she tries to show restrain at times. The girl has a habit of saying that she can do more than she’s capable of, wanting to prove herself and act like the adult she already thinks that she is. This causes a lot of stress for Shuri, as failure is something she’s definitely not accustomed to. 

Likes: Leaving people shook™ by how smart she is (see Everett Ross and Bruce Banner), making people laugh, messing with her brother, playing music in the lab, Star Wars.

Dislikes: Closed-minded people, strict traditions, people nagging her.

Fears/phobias: Failure, Losing the people closest to her, Death. Her mother’s pinches.

Favourite colour: Orange or Blue

Hobbies: Dancing, watching movies, tinkering in the lab, pulling pranks. She likes singing as well, despite her sounding like a beached whale. 

Taste in music: I’m NOT complete and utter trash, so I totally DIDN’T make a playlist of bops that Shuri listens to. Nope, not mine. At all. ((itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/shuris-lab-jams/pl.u-EdAVzgrsXqj9Pd))


Talents/skills: Shuri is gifted with technology, and is able to create a variety of gadgets and weapons for both her brother and her country. She is a decent fighter, but is nowhere as skilled as T’Challa is, as her short and small stature is quite the disadvantage. She also claims to be the most-followed person in all of Wakanda, and boasts about her follower count quite often. 

Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? Shuri can drive a car (really well, I might add), and she’s been trying to teach herself how to pilot one of the planes.


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Omnivore

Favourite food(s): Chinese take-out or traditional food that her family would eat for special occasions.

Favourite drink(s): Coffee - preferably from Starbucks (Oakland has spoiled her), lemonade, milkshakes.

Disliked food(s): Twinkies, anything with coconut, pineapples on pizza (she hasn’t actually tried it, but… shh.)

Disliked drink(s): Tomato juice, mountain dew, espresso.


Describe the character's house/home: Shuri moves back and forth between the palace in Wakanda and an apartment in Oakland, California. 

Do they share their home with anyone? Who? She shared the palace with her mother and T’Challa, and she shares the Oakland apartment with Nakia, allowing them to be close to the Outreach Center.

Significant/special belongings: Her kimoyo beads, copies of the old movies that her father used to watch. 


Level of education: Shuri was able to skip through the Wakandan education system with ease, and is considered as one of the smartest that the country has seen in a long while. 

Qualifications: Head of Wakanda’s Science Division.

Current job title and description: Head of Wakandan Design Group, Head of Science and Technological Division at the Wakandan Outreach Center in Oakland.

Name of employer: T’Challa/Wakandan Council


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Peaceful, overall - While Shuri never wants to hurt or kill anybody, she will do so without a second thought if it means protecting someone.

Fighting skills/techniques: Shuri almost always uses her gadgets in combat, knowing that she’s usually at a disadvantage when fighting without them. 

Special skills/magical powers/etc: Genius-Level Intellect, Master Engineer.

Weapon of choice (if any): Her panther gauntlet blasters, or a Wakandan Spear.

Weaknesses in combat: Her size, lack of strength.

Strengths in combat: Able to think on her feet, quick and agile.


Parents names: T’Chaka and Ramonda Udaku

Are parents alive or dead? Her mother is alive, her father was killed at a United Nations meeting in Vienna.

Is the character still in contact with their parents? Her mother, yes. 

Siblings? Relationship with siblings? T’Challa - older brother. He’s her rock, and she doesn’t know what she’d do without him. She teases him, like most younger siblings, but in all seriousness, she’s extremely proud of him and the man he’s grown to be.

Other Important Relatives: N’Jadaka/Erik “Killmonger” Stevens - Cousin, deceased. 

Partner/Spouse: N/A.

Children: N/A

Best Friend: Nakia (She’s practically a sister to Shuri at this point.)

Big Brother/Best Friend For Eternity/Prank Target: T’Challa

Other Important Friends: Okoye, Steve Rogers, James Barnes

Acquaintances: M’Baku, W’Kabi, Everett Ross

Pets: None, but she’s always been jealous of people that have had them. 

Enemies? Why are they enemies? Erik “Killmonger” Stevens/N’Jadaka - He almost killed her brother, planning to take over her country and the world, so.. There’s that. 


Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): 

Shuri spent most of her childhood looking up to the adults in her life, wanting nothing more than to belong among them. She spent most of her time in the lab with the Design Group, drawing out plans for different “inventions” in crayon whilst the technicians and scientists worked around her. Nobody had the heart to tell her that she was always in the way, so they ended up giving her her own desk in the corner so she could feel like a part of the big leagues. She was admittedly closer to her father than her mother as a child, and she often joined him in watching his old American movies. 

Describe their teenage years (11 - 19): 

As she continued to grow older, she kept getting smarter - ditching the childish blueprints and starting to tinker with things that actually worked. Her first piece of tech was a prototype that eventually became Nakia’s weapon of choice: the ring blades. She had gotten inspiration from watching both Tron and Tron: Legacy. That first invention then became several more, until she started spending every waking second in the labs. Her family decided to appoint her as head of the Design Group at age 16, though not all of the council members were happy with their decision. Shuri was ecstatic, however, and developed a newfound determination to prove herself to them. She threw her heart and soul into her work, coming up with multiple improvements to old tech within her first week.

Losing her father had hit the girl particularly hard, despite her father’s constant urge to prepare both her and her brother for his passing. Shuri had known that he would die eventually, but she had expected it to be from old age and not as he was trying to push for peace. She didn’t have enough time to grieve, though, as T’Challa had returned to Wakanda with the presumed killer less than two days after. He had explained to her that he was innocent, and she believed him (she trusts T’Challa blindly, and always will), agreeing to take apart the controls that HYDRA had implanted in his brain. The thought of such a daunting task had kept her awake for an entire week as she planned her strategies. She had been very doubtful of herself, but she knew that she had to try; T’Challa had believed in her, so she needed to give him something to believe in. 

(Black Panther/Infinity War stuff? If this will let me edit things, I'll add it in at some point! If not, there'll be a new post!)

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